Editions Errant Bodies — coll. Records (CD/DVD)

Focusing on conceptual sound and audio-visual electronics, Errant Bodies Records caters to the cultivation of sonic experimentation. It aims to exploit sound’s spectral intensities, cultural dynamics, and errant musicalities.

Liste des ouvrages de la collection Records (CD/DVD) :
Serge Baghdassarians, Boris Baltschun, Bodybuilding, #08, 2013
Brandon LaBelle, Lecture on Nothing, #07, 2011
Brandon LaBelle, The Sonic Body : Figures 1-12, #06, 2011

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Ouvrages détaillés :

#08, 2013

Serge Baghdassarians, Boris Baltschun
(Records [CD/DVD] | édition anglaise)

Berlin-based artists Serge Baghdassarians and Boris Baltschun retrace mathematician and astronomer Charles-Marie de La Condamine's journey to South America, though instead of the tropical wilderness, they’ve measured the urban jungle of Rio de Janeiro. Instead of compass and quadrant, their tools are microphone and recorder. What remains unchanged is the physical effort of exploring foreign terrain. On foot, and with an assortment of quasi-ritual exercises, the artists move from their residence in Rio to the triangular plaza Largo do Guimarães. At the end of their aural training session stands the ideal form of a place, an artificial sounding-body that seems strangely familiar in the way it further alienates the alien.

Serge Baghdassarians and Boris Baltschun have been collaborating since 1999 in the fields of sound installation and electronic music. Their work often focuses on the conception and realization of temporary as well as longtime installations that use mechanical means to realize an aesthetic inspired by electronic music. With references to outdated 19th century technology (lovers telegraph, steam engine f.e.) as well as computer controlled motor systems, a visualization of sonic phenomena is pursued. Of importance are also seemingly simple and minimal setups (well known, but appropriated materials), which produce complex results.

Serge Baghdassarians, Boris Baltschun, Bodybuilding
(♯08 Records [CD/DVD], 2013)

(textes en anglais)
13,5 x 18 cm (affiche pliée, livret 16 pages)
CHF 19 / EUR 14
(+ frais de port relatifs au pays de destination)


Lecture on Nothing
#07, 2011

Brandon LaBelle
(Records [CD/DVD] | édition anglaise)

Lecture on Nothing is a recording of John Cage’s original text as read by a deaf individual. According to Cage, silence may operate as a positive frame through which to appreciate non-musical sounds and to heighten the experience of listening: by integrating silence into his compositions, Cage sought to allow sounds of the world into the musical experience. Appropriating Cage’s text, this work aims to further explore silence as a complex signifier by giving us a voice that cannot hear itself. In doing so, the work multiplies perspectives onto the act of listening, and on the notion of being quiet. From an open space for renewed listening to forms of disciplinary power, silence and silencing can be heard to perform a complicated influence onto auditory culture.

Brandon LaBelle, Lecture on Nothing
(♯07 Records [CD/DVD], 2011)

(textes en anglais)
13,5 x 18,2 cm (CD, livret 32 pages)
CHF 19 / EUR 14
(+ frais de port relatifs au pays de destination)


The Sonic Body : Figures 1-12
#06, 2011

Brandon LaBelle
(Records [CD/DVD] | édition anglaise)

Dancing recomposes music by pulling the beat, the melody, and the force of sonic experience the body to playback in excited gesture and movement. Extending the rapture of dance, The Sonic Body is a collection of the audible traces of dancing bodies. The movements of individuals listening to sound and music are recorded to form acoustic identities, highlighting dance as a form of translation: a heated musicology found in the step. The Sonic Body is a work that aims for the physicality of sound, as a process of ingestion, intake, a listening hunger, and finally, embodied reaction, a sensual vitality that refiguring bodily presence into an energetic micro-event.

Participants: Trine Hylander Friis, Annette Stahmer, Pedro Gómez Egaña, Bruno Lechowski, Martina Schaaf, James Webb, Signe Lidén, Tao G. Vrhovec Sambolec, Nicole Clarke, Eliza Pfister, Shayna Keller, Angelina Attwell, Gerald Michel, Natalie Hofmann, Anna Posch, Isis Martin, Steve Rowell, Priyanka Basu, Simone van Dijken, Hildur Gudnadottir and Baron Samedi.

Brandon LaBelle, The Sonic Body : Figures 1-12
(♯06 Records [CD/DVD], 2011)

(textes en anglais)
13,5 x 18,2 cm (CD, livret 16 pages)
CHF 19 / EUR 14
(+ frais de port relatifs au pays de destination)
